
About: Mary, Jean, & Frank James

Mary James: Mary started out life as a musical prodigy--could read music before she could read words, and cowrote original songs at age five. By age seven she was proficient on the guitar, banjo, and violin, and was entertaining audiences across the US with her vocal and instrumental skills. Her life has been one long road show, interspersed with TV, radio, and film work. She's also a prolifice songwriter, novelist, praywright, and the spirited host of Nashville's new TV show, "Mean Mary's Cafe Americana" (TV19), where she brings music and pertinent Americana topics to an enthusiastic audience. Frank James: Frank James, veteran of more than 500 live TV shows and over 3,700 road shows, has spent half his life on stage and a good bit of the rest of it on the back of a horse. He's earned his living as a horse trainer, wrangler, musician, writer, actor, stuntman, truck driver, web designer, carpenter, electician, and a host of forgotten trades even he can't remember. Jean James: Before becoming a full-time writer Jean collected live mammals and reptiles for US and foreign distribution, collected live venomous snakes for antivenom production, and was involved in sudry wilderness construction projects. She's also worked as a press agent, song writer, and was the captain of a small, leaky cabin cruiser. She's the mother of six children, the youngest two (Frank James & Mary James) being cowriters with her on some of her books.

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